Author Guidelines

Title of the Paper: The title should be concise and complete for easy indexing by abstracting services.

Author(s) Affiliation: Provide complete information about authors (department, college, university/company, city, zipcode <optional>, and country) who contributed to the paper.

Abstract: The abstract should be a brief summary of the paper about 200 - 250 words. Include the purpose of research, methodology, and/or hypothesis. The abstract should end with short results and conclusions.

Note: Author(s) must provide Arabic version of the Abstract.

Keywords:All manuscripts must be supplied with 4 – 6 keywords (or key phrases) related to the topic.

The Introduction: The introduction should provide background, main research issues, research purpose, and the author(s) contributions.

Methodology or Experimental Design: The Method section should cover complete detail and research design. Write comprehensive detail in the logical order.

Results: Result section is the most important part which contains the findings, authors need to explain in a well-organized way using graphics, tables, etc. Focus on the significant trends and characteristics of the data using suitable graph types.

Conclusion (Discussion): In this section, interpret or analyze the data as discussed in the result section. Interpret what the results show and what questions arise in the research.

Acknowledgements: Acknowledgements should be written before the references, list the funding resource(s). Authors can also mention the name(s) of individuals who helped during this research article.

Abbreviations: Abbreviations should be defined at first mention and used consistently thereafter.

Ethical issues: A manuscript under review cannot be simultaneously submitted to other journals. Republishing a manuscript or part of the previous work (text/figures/tables). Author(s) must provide a signed copyright form stating the originality of the research work submitted through a manuscript.

Printed copies:The journal will provide five printed copies for each paper. Additional printed copies can be ordered (Scientific Publishing Centre rates would be applied).

Text Formatting

Format: The manuscripts must be submitted in docx format (Word 2007 or higher).

Page limit: The manuscript has no page limit.

Font: Abstract should be in single column and rest of the manuscript should be in two columns and with the font (10-point Times Roman).

Headings: Please use the decimal system of headings with no more than three levels as below:

1. First Level Heading

1.1 Second Level Heading

1.1.1 Third Level Heading

Typescript: Typescript should be submitted in triplicate, either in Arabic or in English, font size 10, A4 size paper in two columns. Please follow IEEE standard format.
Margins: Leave one-inch margins on all sides.

References (Works Cited): References cited in the paper should be listed at the end with reference numbers in square brackets [square brackets] according to the sequence.

Captions for Figures and Tables: Every figure and table should include a concise caption, which should describe exactly what the figure depicts. The figure caption should appear below the graphic and table caption should be above. Include the source if a figure is reproduced from other source(s).

Equations: Please use the equation editor or MATHTYPE for equations and sequentially number in the main text.

Last Update
2/18/2018 6:12:47 PM